The cumulative participating product in the United Kingdom is a type of non-traditional life products combining insurance protection, dividend participation and investment. 英国累积式分红保险是一种融保障、分红和投资于一体的非传统型寿险产品。
At last, the products of bank insurance in China are mainly life insurance products, especially life insurance with dividend and fixed earn products. 第四,银行保险产品以寿险产品为主,且主要是分红和固定收益产品。
The division of dividend in insurance companies has been widely concerned. The article is devoted to this problem from the point of the strategies of the division of dividend, which is the dividend barrier strategy. 保险公司的红利分配问题是一个被广泛关注的问题,本文从红利分配策略的角度研究了这一问题,这一策略即红利边界策略。